Eager to know what percentage of reviews you’re replying to? Want insights into which types of reviews get the most replies or which portals see higher engagement?

Great news! With our new Reply Rate Dashboard, you can effortlessly track your review response metrics. Get a clear view of your engagement, strengthen your customer interactions and boost your online reputation. Let’s take a look around.

Navigating the Reply Rate Dashboard

  • By source (NEW): uncover which platforms or portals garner the highest engagement. Discover where you're doing a great job at responding and where there might be room for improvement.

  • By review type: break down your reply metrics by positive, neutral, and negative reviews. This will help you ensure that every type of feedback, whether praise or criticism, is being addressed adequately.

  • Over time (NEW): track the evolution of your reply rates. Are you getting more consistent in addressing reviews over time? Find out and set benchmarks for continuous improvement.

Where to find your Reply Rate Dashboard

The Reply Rate Dashboard is under the Analytics 360 menu on the left-hand side of the platform, where it’s taken the place of the previous ‘Comment rate’ menu item.

This improvement is part of our ongoing effort to give you the best tools to succeed. We look forward to your feedback and can't wait to see how the new dashboard helps you achieve even greater results. Happy data exploring!