Introducing your new and improved Review Stream
by Beth Colman
Managing your reviews just got easier 🎉
We're excited to announce a significant update to your Review Stream, packed with new improvements designed to make your review monitoring and management tasks more efficient.
The updated Review
Reply to Reviews 3x Faster With the New AI Reply Assistant
by Beth Colman
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of AI Reply Assistant, the tool that crafts instant, personalised review responses with just one click.
Reclaim Your Time
With AI Reply Assistant, you can respond to all your reviews in minutes,timestamp1683788283140
Webinar | Come ottimizzare il questionario, implementare nuovi KPI e migliorare il tasso di risposta
by Beth Colman
stai facendo un ottimo lavoro con la raccolta dei feedback dai tuoi ospiti, vediamo come implementare gli indicatori chiave di performance e come possiamo suggerirti qualche idea per ottenere dei migliori tassi di risposta.Â
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Webinar | Tre semplici passi per migliorare la tua Reputazione Online, e...alcune novitá sulla nostra piattaforma
by Beth Colman
Durante questa sessione scoprirete com’è semplice navigare il nuovo backend di Customer Alliance e quali novità sono state rilasciate
- Come Monitorare e Controllare: Nuova dashboard / Report Email / Comparazione e Competitors
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Webinar | Semplici passi per ottenere recensioni migliori
by Beth Colman
Come incoraggiamo il numero e la qualità delle recensioni!Â
Durante questa sessione scoprirete i migliori trucchi per aumentare la soddisfazione dei vostri clienti e nello specifico:
- Come usare la Guest list
- Come richiedere unatimestamp1659620018774
In-Email Survey
by Björn
Get Better Response Rates With New In-Email Surveys Your survey invitation just got better! We’re excited to announce that you can now display the first question of your survey right in the body of the email. The end result? A higher
In-Web & App Surveys
by Björn
Capture Feedback In The Moment With Our New In-Web And In-App Surveys We’re so excited to announce the launch of in-app and in-web surveys! Also known as microsurveys, they offer a short, targeted and timely way to collect customer feedback
Text Analytics
by Björn
Understand Your Reviews At Scale With Text Analytics One of the most important things we do at Customer Alliance is help clients not only collect but also analyse customer feedback. Part of that is understanding exactly what they're talking
Customer Journey
by Björn
Understand Satisfaction At Every Touchpoint With Our Customer Journey Tool The customer journey refers to the series of interactions a customer has with your company before, during and after a transaction. From following your brand on